
Skyrim RP- Moonlight Meeting 01

Deviation Actions

kayly101's avatar

Literature Text

In the woods of Falkreath, an Argonain Companion named Crystal-la was finishing her last assignment from a small bandit camp. "Huzza! A free night! Finally!" she giggled and cheered. The moons were rising and it was a perfect night to wander the woods, stalk the roads or to find anything of interest. Not for her argonian self but it was for her werewolf self that needed some relaxation time. Quickly, she removed her armor and stuck it in a hallow log so she could start to shapeshift into a brown werewolf.
Crystal-la let out a howl after shapeshifting and started to wander the woods. Things seemed pretty quiet since there were no bandits so she tried to find a way to entertain herself. She caught a scent in the air and slowly started to follow the new scent

*On that very night, another Argonian wearing mage robes was wearily following behind a short but quite intimidating Bosmer riding a horse while wearing Dragon scaled armor. Scary..*

Argonian: "TOURS! Can't.... can't we take a break? Can I... your horse can fit two right?"

Tours: "Tolk... if you can't make it just another hour then you really need to get out more. Come on."
*Leads his horse on but the Argonian Tolk gets left behind in the dust.*

Tolk: "TOURS!.... Aww, come on please? Plwease pwease..pwease... oh.. "
*Looks and he is far down the road already. Tolk gets a little depresed but then realizes how tired he is he suddenly falls face forward onto the road.*
"Maybe, i'll just... rest a bit.."
*Starts to snore while faceplanted on the road. Eerily close to the sniffing werewolf...*

The brown werewolf continued to smell something sweet in the air. Suddenly she heard heavy snoring that made her even more curious. She let out a light growl after seeing something lying on the road as she stood at the side of the road. He was alone as far as she could tell but she approached him with caution.

<What? An argonian? How lazy to fall asleep on the road. He must need exercise, I'll give him a little scare to get him that smell?> the werewolf thought to herself. She grinned and trotted up to the sleeping argonian.

<He! Its taffy! I havent tasted that since Solitude!> she gave a toothy smile. Since the sleeping argonian was a mage, she gently placed her paw on his back so he couldnt get up if he woke up. The argonain smelt very sweet and she found it impossible to control herself as she started licking the feathers at the top of his head. With her tail shaking with excitement, she chuckled with her guttural voice and started to playfully nip at his robes. "Taffy? I know you have taffy"

*Continues to snore rather loudly despite the slobber rolling off his feathers and into his face.*
"Mm.... Bahh... stap it...."
*Snores some more as his satchel then slides off his side and spills besides his hand. Among the contents are some potions, a pair of less magy cloths, a rather large coin purse, a jug of milk that is spilling just a little, a little bit of meat and cheese and a half-eaten string of taffy.*

Crystal-la lightly chuckled with her guttural voice since the Mage was still asleep and snoring loudly. "Aww...poor pup. Tuckered out and..." she sniffed again once the satchel was open.
The werewolf used her nose to poke through the Mage's contents. "Coin? Useless... Clothes? Ugh... Milk? Mmm ...T-taffy!" the werewolf gently laid over the Argonian's legs and started chewing the last of the taffy greedily.

The sweet tasting candy was delightful but she soon found it was also sticky on her teeth. The only thing around that she could see was the Mage's horns to help remove some of the taffy. He seemed as a heavy sleeper as she licked his feathers again to see if he was sleeping. "So soft" she nuzzled her snout in his feathers. Occasionally she would stop to lap some of the milk that was pouring on the road then she continued to chew on the Argonian's horns. There were bits of taffy, fur and slobber over the mage as he continued to sleep

"....ahheh... eeee.. tat, turkles..."
*His snoring turns more into some snorts of laughter as starts to move a little especially when slobber goes into his eyes and his horns get nomed on. He tries to scratch his feathers but instead finds a giant snout, and while he hesitates for a moment he pets it.*
"mmmmHmmhhmm... puppy.."
*Keeps petting as he tries to turn over but he can't for his back and legs both seemed to be pinned down. He then opens his eyes and feels his legs are asleep.*
"Uhh... What is going on?!"
*Feels his face as there is slobber then his face grows worried as he sees a giant paw to his left.*
".... Mommy!"

Suddenly the brown werewolf feels the mage moving while she was chewing on his horns. She figured he would start to sleep again after settling down until she felt his hand over her snout. While briefly enjoying it, she thought <Uh-oh> she knew mage's destruction spells from before and she felt nervous. After she stopped chewing then listened to the Argonian to see what he would do.

<He said mommy? Awww! He is still a pup!> she grinned while thinking to herself. Crystal-la didnt want to leave him in the dark by himself and she looked around for anyone who might be with him. "Mine!" she answered happily in her guttural voice since he was alone.
The werewolf sniffed the Argonian before gently grabbing the back of his neck by his robes like a puppy. She knew she couldnt keep him but she would help him back to town so he could get there safe.
While standing on her hindlegs, she was taller so the Argonian couldnt reach the ground. Then started to trot down the path while keeping an eye out for danger

*He starts to freak out as he realizes that there is a large wolf behind him and tries to cover his head but then he feels it move so he tries to take the chance to get out of there but before he can even stand he feels something tug on his collar and suddenly he is wized up into the air and is dangling from it's jaws.*
*He is scared to death and tries to wiggle a way out but all he can do is poke the wolf's belly with his tail so he keeps trying to whack himself free but he is doing a poor job and only seems to annoy it.*

Crystal-la's ears bent back in frustration after Tolk continued to strike her with his tail. They moved further for about ten feet until she was fed up, something had to change. She growled at the argonian then dropped him but before he could move, she stepped on his robe so he couldnt run away. The werewolf was unable to figure out why the argonian was scared since she didnt bite him or cause him any harm so she licked his feathers back to see if he would calm down.
Then she reached down and gently bit onto his belt so he was laying horizontally in her mouth to carry him easier down the path. Crystal-la spoke with a mouthful but she tried to reply "be still, pup! You are going home"

*Tolk being pinned on the ground started panting out of fear and squeezed his eyes shut when it licked his feathers some. He opened an eye as he was lifted up again with his belt holding his waist up but making him stay faced down. He then listens as he thought the wolf said something.*
"Wait, what?!"
*He looks down at its legs and its mouth holding him up.*
"Are..... are you a werewolf?!"

Crystal-la chuckled "Awww, you can talk!" she spoke in her guttural voice. "Yes, pup. Im one of the best you will cross" she spoke boastfully. "Now, wheres your mama? I heard you ask for mommy and figured you want to go home"

She looked down briefly before noticing the small bits of taffy on his robes. "Hold still" her tail wagged happily as she stopped to lick the last of the taffy of his robes. "Why did you wander so far from your home?" she picked him up again and trotted down the path

Tolk: "Heh.. yes I can.."
*A little more then just confused but kind of shyly laughs as she asked about home.*
"My mama? Uhh... I doubt you'll want to carry me all the way back to Cyrodiil..."
*Makes a smile then is put down while he embarrassingly allows Crystal to lick all over him, Tolk feeling just a little invaded then is lifted up again.*
"Why I left home? Uhh.. I was running an errand with a friend of mine but, I guess he kind of left... did you see a mounted mmm guy around here? And I assume from our, casual conversing you are not intending to eat me?"

"Cyrodiil?" Crystal-la slowed down "how about I bring you to the nearest town? Can you fend for yourself there?" she sniffed the air to see if anyone was near. There was still a ways to town but she wanted to see the argonian safe "Do you have a name, pup?"

"Hmm, I smell a faint scent of horse this way but I dont see anyone. Anyone who you consider a friend shouldn’t have left you behind!" She chuckled at his last response "A pup like you? You'd get stuck between my teeth" she jokingly replied to the mage. "At least you smell better now and you are clean!" she commented on Tolk's new scent of werewolf on his scales and robes

"That is fine! I actually have a house not to far from Falkreath but I'll manage to whatever is easier!"
*Laughs at his comment, still thinking he is a bit crazy for acting so simple to a werewolf who is holding him up by his belt through the dark woods.*
"Umm, a name? Uhh, it's Tolk. Tolk-Romer.. how about you?"
*Thinks on her comment on Tours but kind of looks to the side with a frown.*
"He's... he is not the most friendly of people I know but he has done a lot for me. Even if he leaves me in the woods.  "
*Sniffs himself and tries to keep himself from coughing.*
"Mmmm, yes, thank you I certainly smell, different compared to earlier."
*Continues to sway back in forth from her grasp when suddenly he feels a little loosening. Suddenly his belt snaps apart he Tolk briefly screams as he falls face first into the road again.*

Crystal-la laughs a deep belly laugh as she looks down to see Tolk as he fell. "Youre still fine. Your not injured" she used her nose to nudge him on his stomach "just a little more cleaning and your good as new" she used her big drooling tongue to get the dirt off his feathers and off his robes. "Call me Crystal" Crystal-la didnt want to reveal her full name as she made sure Tolk was fine. She briefly nuzzled her snout in his feathers again since they were so soft.

"Dont you worry, pup...Tolk. I'll get you to town. Im not exactly welcome near your home but I'll get you there" she winked with her red and yellow eyes "then this 'friend' of yours doesnt sound like a friend since your friend left you in the woods" she slightly snarled. "I'll bite him if I see him since he left you alone. No member of the pack gets left behind!" she grinned then picked him up again but this time by the scruff of his robes around his neck. "Your sure you can handle yourself in town?" she ask while trotting down a hill

*Tolk smiles a little as she tries to clean him, feeling rather thankful for Crystal for trying to be so helpful. He wipes any slobber that rolled on his face.*
"Crystal? That is quite a beautiful name! Reflects your behavior I would say! Being so cheery and accommodating."
*He pets her chin a bit as she plays with his feathers and spots her wink.*
"I suppose he shouldn't have done that... maybe i'll give him a word next time I see him, but he doesn't deserve to get bit Crystal! I think he would understand!"
*Is submissive as he lets her pick him up and begins to think on her suggestion.*
"Oh i'm fine. I have my coin and otherwise so I could bunk at the inn or... or.."
*He feels his sides for his money but it's not there. He feels around some more and his satchel is gone too. He sighs quite upset.*
"Hmmm... sorry Crystal but, I think I may have left my Satchel behind somewhere on the road. Do, do you think we could,"
*He thinks of turning back but he would hate to do that to her, and he despises the though of making her carry him all the way to town.*
"Do you think we could find somewhere out here to sleep for the night? I mean, you don't have to of course but, I don't want to bother you with carrying me everywhere. Plus it's still a while to town and if we turn back it will take even longer. If we split or stop for the night we can be rested and will have all day to backtrack or get to town.   Is... that alright?"

Crystal-la stopped while holding onto Tolk "No, your friend shouldnt have. Though if you say he doesnt deserve to get bit then I wont bite him...maybe claw at him but I wont give him a bath to make him smell better...What's his name? Is he a scale-back as well?" she chuckled while enjoying being rubbed on her chin. She stopped to listen to Tolk and his situation.

"Hmm. Your coin, eh?" she grins since she noticed how upset he was after losing his coin. "You'll have to hold onto my back...tightly!" she drops the Argonian to his feet then puts her head between his legs so he would have to slide on her back. "Hang on!" Crystal-la ran on all fours as Tolk held onto her coat back down the path towards his coin. "We will spend the night in the woods but we will grab your coin first!" She chuckled while running as fast as she could. They moved faster but the moons were starting to fall in the night sky. "We will find a place safe and warm to stay" she grinned "Dont you worry about a thing, puppy!" she grinned again "I mean Tolk"

"No he's, he's a Bosmer. Kind of scary really I don't know how he would react to you but I hope he won't fight back!"
*Hears her suggestion about holding on to her then she drops him and he rubs his feathers before he noticed were kind of slobbery and hard.*
"Hang onto your back? What do you mean by-WOOOP!"
*Her head falls between him and before he gets a sure grip she DARTS forward while he hardily holds back a scream bouncing on her back.*
"BWAAA HahahHAAA!?!"
*Holds on for dear life for what feels like an eternity when he thinks he sees something on the road up ahead.*
"THEre I thINK THAT Is my stUFF!"

"There?" Crystal-la sniffed the air to smell the meat and cheese Tolk had in his satchel. She ran faster with her tongue hanging out while the argonian was hanging on. Just as soon they were close enough, she screeched to a stop then sat down so the Mage could walk around.
"An elf, eh? Well scary or not, he shouldnt have left a pack member behind...then again you shouldnt have been sleeping on the road" she gave a toothy grin and used her big snout to nudge Tolk forward to collect his things.

There was still some milk in the jug but there was also some that poured onto the stone path and the werewolf was lapping it up. "Do you have anymore of that taffy?" she sat up while her tail was shaking. She couldnt smell any but he could be hiding it so she started to sniff around him and his robes

It was getting to be very late in the night as the moons have already reached their peak and they started to set.

*When Crystal comes to a skidding stop Tolk flies off her and lands on his back right in front of her with a painful "THUD"*
*Stands up and rubs his back when she nudges him forward and he waddles to clean up the satchel that is split everywhere.*
"Ehh heh.. yes I was just, tired I guess.. ahh.."
*He cleans up most of his stuff, pours the rest of the milk out for her to lick up then finds scraps of taffy here and there.*
"Oh you ate the rest of the taffy?! I never get any of that... no I'm sorry I don't have any more. Wait, no wonder I feel so sticky! You can have whatever is left on me I guess. Once we find someplace to rest i'll let you clean up this robe or whatever you like. I have spare clothes"
*Grins a bit and grabs his bag throwing it over his shoulder once more.*
"So, on to other things, we better find someplace to camp out for the night... Ieeee don't have a sleeping bag though so maybe a cave or, you know. A cave. Unless you know someplace better Crystal."

When Tolk was rubbing his back, Crystal-la cocked her head confusingly <maybe Im being too rough with him> she chuckled while thinking to herself.

The werewolf happily lapped the rest of milk Tolk poured out. She gently brushed against him to say thank you before drinking. After the last of the milk was gone, she gave a large yawn that showed off her teeth. Since it was warm, it caused the werewolf to become drowsy

"Shame you dont have a coat like mine to keep warm but I know a warm and dry place for the night" she yawned before picking up Tolk by the scruff of his robe. While trotting off the road, they passed a small creek that lead to a waterfall then eventually a dry cave that was fairly big. There were some large rocks on the insides and a small pool of water but nothing else in it. They entered the cave just in time as a few raindrops started to fall
"Doesnt the night air smell sweet with rain?" she smiled and set the Argonian down. Just as she was scratching her side, she saw a large chuck of taffy on Tolk's back. "Oh wait, hold still" she pounced and stepped on his robes so he couldnt move then began licking his robes free of the taffy. "There...I think thats all of it" she chuckled before looking towards the entrance of the cave then laid down to relax "The rain should stop when the sun comes up or do you mind the rain?"

*Gently pets Crystal as she rubs against him, and when she picks him up again he rolls his eyes with a smile as she carries him off.
When they get to the cave Crystal puts him down as he yawned a bit and sat down looking at the rain before he got pounced on by her.*
"CRYSTAL! You’re going to hurt me at some point for all this taffy!"
*Laughs and stands up when she goes back to lie down.*
"I actually do like the rain. I find it entertaining and fun to just stand and run around in it. When it is stormy though not so much because of the lighting, but if something should happen I know magic for a reason. Not tonight though, I’m exhausted... I might not even change till tomorrow... "
*Looks out at the rain a bit more getting heavier then he turns around to lie down in the cave. He considers lying by Crystal to keep warm but decides to let the werewolf keep her privacy and lays down on the other side of the small pond.*
"I think I’ll fall asleep now. If your still here in the morning maybe we can do something. Walk back to town or whichever you want to do! If not then thank you Crystal, I am glad you came along when you did. Who knows what could have happened to me on the road! I am glad to have met you."
*Smiles then turns to go to sleep in the comfiest area he can find. He uses his satchel for a pillow and begins to snooze.*

"Ha! A pup like you shouldnt have been alone in the dark of the road" Crystal-la yawned "But thank you for the taffy...I havent had that in a long time" she grinned. "Well I wouldnt have to hurt you if you could be a little more cleaner" she licked her chops to tease him.
The werewolf yawned then watched Tolk lay down at the other side of the small pond. She shook her head and gently as she could, she bit his tail and started to drag him towards her spot. She dragged the argonian like a pup wandering too far from the den. The ground was still warm from where she was laying and she nuzzled her snout against his feathers while settling down beside him. Just before she set her head down to sleep, she gave a few more licks to Tolk's robes to make sure all the taffy was off and to fix his feathers that were out of place "Its alright. I would never intentionally hurt you. Now sleep" she softly chuckled to the tired Mage

Just before the sun was about to rise, Crystal-la lifted up her head and noticed her vision was changing <Oh-no...> It was time she was going to change back to an argonian. The werewolf couldnt tell if Tolk was still sleeping so she got up quickly but quietly while heading out of the cave

There were still a few drops of rain before the fog rolled in. With nowhere to go before she would change, she ran into the water of the lake near the waterfall.
Crystal-la gasped while jumping out of the water "Ysgramor's beard!" she rubbed her horns "where am I?" she looked around while sitting in the water "...ohh please tell me I didnt attack anyone..." the green argonian wiped her eyes as if waking up from a deep sleep. She remembered parts of the night before but couldnt remember if it was a dream or not

*Tolk feels his tail being budged and looks over his shoulder to see Crystal dragging him towards her and he grabs his satchel. When he stops and Crystal nuzzles against him and his feathery adornments he just smiles and closes his eyes.*
"Goodnight Crystal. Thank you..."
*Then he starts to snore but his satchel muffles it.*

*When Crystal left, Tolk didn't realize it at first, but after a few moments he ceased to notice a furry snout on his head and he started to feel a bit cold again so he blinked a few times to see that she was gone. He leaned up a bit and sighed.*
"Hmm... either Crystal is gone... or she never was here..."
*Frowns sadly then gets up. He doesn't bother to go outside yet and since he thinks he has some privacy he takes off his robe and decides to wash it out in the convenient in-cave pond, and he notices that it happened to have a lot of fur and sticky stuff in it.*
"Well she has to be real now! How else did this get so messy?!"
*Tries to smile and looks outside again but doesn't see a werewolf coming back in through the mist so he goes back to washing out his outfit.*

Thankfully Crystal-la's wolf form remembered the den she used to sleep in. There was a Companion cache that was hidden in front of the cave for emergencies. She looked around to see no one was there and with a quick leap out to the water, she ran to the hidden chest to start dressing. There was some preservable food, weapons, armor and some coin in the chest for convenience.

While she changed into her wolf armor, she coughed out a feather "...oh gods...that isnt a bird feather..." she felt terrible since she thought she ate an Argonian while in her werewolf form. She closed her eyes and remembered seeing an Argonian in robes and hearing him screaming in terror at the sight of her. It was a blurry memory but she couldnt remember what happened next "BY YSGRAMOR! WHAT HAVE I DONE!?" she slammed her head into the chest and tears were forming at the corner of her eyes.

Just as she was wiping her eyes, she heard something coming from the cave <bandits...they must be looking for my cache> she was fully dressed and pulled out her skyforged steel battleaxe incase the person was hostile.

The Companion cleared her throat and could see a figure that was near the water. It was a gamble to see if the Argonian (by the looks of it) could speak the common tongue and not in Jel...or at least could understand her Nord accent "Oi! Who's there!? This be my territory so if you are a thief then you best be running!" she snarled at the other Argonian "State who you are! I am in no mood for tricks"

*Tolk feels his outfit is pretty clean when he suddenly spots a glimmer at the front of the cave and he turns to see a VERY intimidating and armed figure there. He freezes and listens to what Crystal-la has to say but does not recognize her a bit.*
"Uhh, thief?"
*He grows worried and pulls his robe out of the water and on top of himself while he holds his hands out to show he is not armed.*
"Sorry am I intruding?! I'm, my name is Tolk...Romer, and last night I passed out here. I didn't think this belonged to anyone... i'm deeply sorry please i'm no threat."
*He squints at the figure and recognizes it as another Argonian and he grows curious.*
"Wh-WHo are you?"

Crystal-la puts her battleaxe away after Tolk apologized for being in the cave. He didnt look like a threat since she could recognize the fear in his tone.
"Aye. No harm done, I suppose. Crystal-La. Circle member of the Companions" she clicked her heels together as a warrior showing respect. She lightly giggled to see the Mage roughed up. "You look like you had some trouble. Are you alright, citizen Tolk... R-Ro-Romer!" she covered her mouth and lost all color to see the familiar colored feathers on the Argonian's head.
<The Argonian from my dreams...memories!> she thought of a lie quick. "UM! AHH! Sorry! Thought I seen a troll behind you!" she cleared her throat and changed the subject. "SO! Do you need a guide towards town? You look like you could use assistance...and a bath" she forced a smile and waved him to come outside with her "Why did you sleep here? Of all places to rest your head, this isnt exactly a welcoming Inn"

While trying with all her might, Crystal-la couldnt remember the entire events of the night before but she remembered Tolk's feathers and his robes. Since she didnt know the Mage, she couldnt share her secret just yet even though she still smelled just as bad as Tolk of wet dog.

*Quickly looked behind him to make sure there wasn't a troll there before he looked back at her. Then he hesitates to stand for his lack of clothing short of his undies but eventually does and grabs his satchel then comes towards the cave entrance.*
"Mmmm, all those questions may be part of the same long story... uhh... sorry. I didn't think anyone was here so... I thought I could have bathed my err smell. Off. Alone..."
*Shyly smiles then scratches his somewhat crusty feathers which must have gotten that way through the slobber. He walks up to her but doesn't look into her eyes for he is a bit embarrassed and shy. And compared to her he is a stick anyways. Then he remembers the lake right just beyond the both of them.*
"I'm... sorry ma'am. Is, it alright if I go bathe now?"
*He wants to say more but he just doesn't know what to say either from the strange circumstance, the strange night, the intimidating but sweet Argonianess, or maybe all three.*

Seeing the argonian dressed to his under clothing was nothing she hasn't seen before since werewolves looked the same way after shapeshifting back. Crystal-la couldnt help but smile at Tolk since she could tell he was embarrassed. "Oh, aye. You would look a little more presentable after you bathe" she giggled while they headed towards the lake. "Since you are a little indecent at the moment, I'll keep an eye out till you clean yourself up"

Since Tolk was embarrassed over his lack of clothing, she leaned against a tree that was facing away from the lake so he could have some privacy. He was still in talking distance while she was relaxing in her new wolf armor. "I guess I should apologize for my sudden approach but that is my cave and reasons are my own" she was picking out small bits of taffy in her mouth and pulled out a small feather. The Companion was relieved that she didnt eat anyone as she relaxed against the tree. "I dont know about you but I think I am due for a drink in town, near by. What say you, Tolk? ...Or are you going to find another cave to call your own?" she teased him "What were you doing in there, anyway? Are you a treasure seeker?"

*Tolk goes to the edge of the lake before he puts his stuff down then hops in. He feels a bit less shy to be neck deep in the water and starts to rub any werewolf off of him.*
"Thank you ma'am, I really appreciate your patience. And no no it's my fault for staying in there! I shouldn't have to apologize for walking into my own home for example because a random stranger is in there. I would have understood if you chased me out or threatened me!"
*Grins and rubs his back a bit to make sure he didn't hurt himself from last night.*
"No no no not a treasure seeker at all! I'll give you the short story but your welcome to hear more later. I was with a friend of mine going home but we were still a good few hours from home but he eventually left me, for frustration or to push me, something like that. I fell asleep on the road because I was... was just breathless. I wasn't thinking I know. Regardless not much later, I think, I wake up and there is a WEREWOLF! Eating food from my bag! I freak out and it carries me around, it ends up talking to me, and I don't know how but we ended up befriending a bit and it ends that we sleep here for the night. I wonder where it went... I need to recall the details but that is the gist, well met by moonlight!"
*Tries to force a chuckle as he checks to see if his robe is clean.*
"You know, I don't mean to be rude but... you didn't smell at what I would assume to be your best either, would you like to come in? There is enough room for the both of us. THAT IS, if your okay with it. I am completely fine to switch with you should you like or to move on if you are ready!!"

"Thank you for understanding how I protect my den-land! I mean land! That cave is my property since I use it for camping" Crystal-la did everything she could think of to stop herself from laughing at how Tolk's night was. The lean mage was carried? Like a puppy? Afterwards the Companion tightly gripped her stomach and slightly lowered her head. She promised to keep her other side a secret and now she knew someone who had seen her, though he didnt seem to say anything about it. She could really use that drink now

"A werewolf... A werewolf?" she forced herself to mockingly laugh. "I think someone had one too many bottles of mead. Did it sprout wings and hand out presents to all the good little children as well?" she picked the last of the taffy out of her teeth and knew she must have scarfed down Tolk's entire satchel for that amount. Then she raised her armpit and took a whiff, her scent wasnt going to change no matter how much she bathed. "Nah, I dont think so. Im good and we probably shouldnt stay here too long" she chuckled. "Though you looked like you needed it. How are your feathers now?" she giggled after remembering how messy his feathers were.
"Im fine to continue to town when youre ready, of course" Crystal-la slightly smiled. Tolk seemed like a fun Argonian since he had been through so much his last night but he still seemed cheery

*Tolk continues to finish washing and he is happy to feel his feathers back to their fluff selves. When he hears her laugh at him though his smile diminishes and he feels terrible for speaking so... audaciously. He sits up by the shore and starts to put his stuff on when he is done cleaning.*
"Oh... my feathers are fine."
*He decides to wear his spare cloths since his mage robe is soaked and wears a more casual civilian like outfit. He grabs his things then goes back up to Crystal-La.*
"Are you sure? If your going another way you can leave..."
*Tries to force a smile but still feels gloomy after her joke on him and can't make himself get over it.*

The Companion continued to force herself to giggle to make her story of werewolves were imaginary. After seeing how gloomy Tolk was, Crystal-la's wolf side wanted to comfort him dearly. She leapt up and playfully wrapped her arm around the Mage's neck "awww don’t be like that" she giggled to cheer him up.
"Look. I yelled at you for no reason since you thought my cave was empty. I think I owe you a drink or at least a hot meal to say Im sorry. But lets leave the story on werewolves to children's books, alright?" she was just about to use her snout to nuzzle against his cheek but thankfully she stopped herself.
"Um, sorry! Thats a ancient custom of greeting!" she lied and cleared her throat. "Im glad you look a lot better, though" she grinned and looped her arm with his and started to head towards town. Whether he was heading to Falkreath or not "Come on. Tell me more about yourself, Tolk. I havent seen you in these neck of the woods, are you new here?"

*Feels a bit better once she comforts him and a smile appears. When she chains arms he honestly doesn't mind and stays at her side.*
"Me? Oh i'm not that interesting. But I am relatively new to Skyrim. I came here just less than a year ago from Cyrodiil and have been wandering since. Mostly between here and at Winterhold for the Collage. But I lost interest and moved down to Falkreath recently. I have a house not far from here so, we can go to town first. IF that was your intention."
*He is back to his old self as he watches the beautiful woods wake up and feels the nice breeze after the fog and rain has cleared.*
"Ahh... Skyrim may be the coldest place I have ever been to and likely ever will go, but it is quite magnificent. Especially down here, at least for me.
Mmm, OH! And, I hope you don't mind but what about you? Member of the Companions? Impressive! Tell me about you now! .... Please?"
*Doesn't think he needs to but decides to make big puppy dog eyes at her.*

"Oh aye? Thats why I havent seen you here before. Then I hope you are enjoying yourself, Tolk. Skyrim is one of the most beautiful places in Tamriel...if you can stand the chill" she grins. "Cyrodiil is nice too but please forgive my pride, Skyrim is my home...Say! Are you from BlackMarsh?"
When Tolk mention the college of Winterhold, she shuddered. "Ugh, that college makes my scales crawl. So you must be a powerful wizard then? Im not one for magic but I have a number of friends who are also wizards" she was unfamiliar with people who were one with the arcane arts.
The Companion gave him a double glance when he mentions he had a house in the area "Really? You have a house in these woods? Well done, friend! This is one of my favorite places in Skyrim. Where abouts is your home, if you dont mind me asking?" she smiled while remembering more about Tolk from her werewolf form. It was starting to come together the more he talked about himself and he showed his character.
Crystal-la almost gasped at Tolk's puppy eyes. <No wonder I carried him like a wee puppy!> she giggles while covering her mouth. She couldnt help herself as she gave him a hug "Alright. Alright. I'll tell you" she playfully ruffled his feathers
"Im a Companion of 6 years...though I been accepted to the Circle for almost a year now" she grins. "Thats a high honor for us warrior types" While talking she felt her stomach rumbling. It wasnt a good sign when she was hungry since it would sometimes make her act differently "Boy! I could use a meal, how about you?" she starts to walk faster while holding onto Tolk's arm

"It is a bit chilly here. A bit more then a bit."
*Muffles a laugh and continues.*
"I, was born in Black Marsh... I don't remember much of it though because I moved to Skingrad in mid-southern Cyrodiil at about 5 years old. But now I am just telling you my life's story so i'll stop there."
*Grins and then his eyes widen when she expresses her concerns on magic.*
"Oh does it? Well if Skyrim's your home I guess you would feel resentment towards the Collage. Most of the Nords seem to. But if it makes you feel better I won't use ANY magic in front of you unless you ask or I need to. You know to not die or something like that. Otherwise i'll act like an incredibly normal Saxhleel that, kind of needs a bodyguard"
*Winks at her then grins a bit more, thinking of a quick summary on his home.*
"My home is not far from Falkreath. Not far from here either but the town is closer and I don't have many drinks so we'll go there! It's... it's kind of large. I went a little crazy on it but i'm proud it's where it is at. And I am there most of the time except when I run errands or am out with friends so it's useful!"
*Surprised at the hug and the noogie but is smiling all the same, and comes this close to hugging her back. Then when she speeds up he almost trips for a moment but catches his balance and stays following arm and arm.*
"I'm, a bit hungry. If you are then I certainly will eat! And i'll buy too since I owe you for stinking up your land. AND your lake."
*Messes with one of his feathers a moment then looks on down the road.*
"It is quite fun out here though... and when we sit down and grab something to munch you can tell me more about you!"
*Makes a heart grin and keeps in tow.*

The fog was still rolling in, even though the sun has been shining since early morning. The small town of Falkreath had a few civilians moving about to start the day in their own way.
After entering the Inn Dead Man's Drink, the Companion happily bellowed for food and drink while the Mage sat down at a free table. "Nonsense, Tolk. Ive been told I chow down quite a bit of grub and you were a guest in" she giggled while referring to the den. "Youre a friend to a Companion now, Tolk!" she cheered and ruffled his feathers playfully then felt one side of his horns. "...Tolk?...did someone rough you up? One of your horns kinda feels rough" she spoke with concern.

Once the Innkeeper arrived to the table, she brought a jug of honningbrew, a large plate with bread, fruit and slices of mutton. The Innkeeper smiled "Alright, you let me know if there is anything else I can get for you" she bowed her head and went back to the counter.
"Oh aye? So you were born in BlackMarsh too? For the life of me, I cannot remember a thing of where I was born...uhh…hatched. Though I have a few...sax-hleel comrades...but forgive me if I dont know too much on scale-back customs" Crystal-la used her forearm to wipe away the mead around her mouth and continued her second bowl of venison stew. She was rather messy as little bits of food were around the table and her armor.
"Thank you for understanding my feel towards that fancy magic stuff" she shuddered "Well...the restoration one can kind of come in handy in the battlefield but still...looks terrifying... Though Im sure it rewarding!" she didnt want to insult her new friend for her lack of knowledge of the arcane arts.

The Companion belched then grinned after having a full belly. "Say! You built your own house? That is noble of you to dedicate your skills to build a fine home. Id like to see it if you dont mind. I usually patrol these woods to make sure everything is in order. If I know where your house is, then I'll be sure to keep an eye out for bandits on your property" she was feeling better after eating and to enjoy Tolk's company. "So what made you want to settle in Skyrim if you have family in Cyrodiil? It cant be the weather or did you fancy the Nords here?" she giggled.

In the Inn, a bard started playing his flute to try to lighten up the mood since a few of the other customers looked miserable from the gloomy weather.
The Mage and Warrior Role Play takes part in the fourth era


Tolk-Romer & Tours belong to Notsun :iconnotsun:
Crystal or Crystal-La belongs to me
Skyrim belongs to The Elder Scrolls

Roleplay drawing:
Moonlight Meeting by kayly101
© 2014 - 2024 kayly101
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Metallica1147's avatar
Awww, how cute of Tolk and Crystal-la meeting that way! Her Werewolf side sure is nice. Like Godzummy's! ^^

Godzummy: Don't you dare tell them about my inner Werewolf! 

Me: Fiiiiine, I won't.....*Whispers* When he turns into a Werewolf, Godzummy actually turns is actually mnice because of all the rage he has in his Arghnian form, all the nice and love went to his Werewolf side so instead of being a vicious Werewolf, he turns into a cute and cuddly puppy....that still looks like a Werewolf. :3

Godzummy: I heard you say that. :iconrageplz:
